LLGPL Clarification

John Foderaro jkf@franz.com
Thu, 30 May 2002 07:25:53 -0700

 [The following my opinion only.  I'm not a lawyer. I'm a programmer]

 The idea of a 'header file' is something used in only a few languages.
C has header files.   Lisp does *not* have header files.   Because
Lisp does not have header files the text in section 5 of the LGPL 
doesn't apply to Lisp.

 Why is all this fuss made about header files?   In a C program the
header files can have significant value all by themselves, 
outside of their use to compile or use the Library.  The LGPL wants to add
a bit of protection for those header files. 
 Yes, C header files can have macros in them and yes Lisp has something
called a macro as well but Lisp macros are much closer to Lisp functions
than C macros are to C functions.  Lisp macros in a Lisp library can 
be a signficant part of the value of the Lisp library.  It would go
completely against the nature of Lisp to tell people that they
can't export powerful Lisp macros an LLGPL'ed library since that will
make any code that uses those macros a derivative work.