[gclist] gc interface

Henry G. Baker hbaker@netcom.com
Mon, 8 Apr 1996 15:59:57 -0700 (PDT)

> Hans-J. Boehm asks for citations for the use of the word "finalizer" earlier 
> than 1986.

Schwartz, Richard L, and Melliar-Smith, Peter M.  "The Suitability of Ada
for Artificial Intelligence Applications".  Final Report, AAG29-79-C-0216,
SRI International, May, 1980, 48 pages.

 "Ada cannot be faulted for not including a finalization capability.
 Of the recent research languages CLU, Alphard, Mesa, Gypsy, and Euclid
 designed to support data abstraction, only Euclid and the most recent
 specification of Alphard6 include a finalization capability..."

 "We have developed a language proposal and semantic model for adding
 finalization and arbitrary initialization to a language such as
 Ada..."  [page 33].

Lampson, B.W. et al.  Report on the Programming Language Euclid.
ACM Sigplan Not. 12,2 (Feb 1977).

Wulf, Wm. A. et al.  An Informal Definition of Alphard.  TR
CMU-CS-78-105, Dept. of Computer Science, CMU, Feb. 1978.

Schwartz, R., and Melliar-Smith, P.M.  The Finalization Operation for
Abstract Data Types.  In preparation.  [as of May 1980.  I'm pretty
sure that something like this appeared as a TR or a published
paper. -- HB]

Henry Baker
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