[gclist] GC triggering strategies
Paul R. Wilson
Tue, 19 Mar 1996 13:17:07 -0600
>From majordom@iecc.com Tue Mar 19 13:07:17 1996
>To: gclist@iecc.com
>cc: boehm.PARC@xerox.com
>Reply-To: gclist@iecc.com
>The other things to keep in mind are:
>1. Triggering GC based on stack height etc. makes less sense in a multithreaded
>system (which stack?)
Right. That's why explicit calls are more general.
>2. Providing the user with explicit calls is tricky if you want the interface
>to be independent of the collector. For example, an incremental update
>collector doesn't trace any particular program state.
Right. On the other hand, the "interesting" point for an incremental
update collector is often the same as for stop-and-copy. If you perform
the flip after most of the data have died (between phases), you'll scan
your roots and start tracing stuff that doesn't lead to the garbage.
I think in general, using phase behavior works for most GC's, as long as
you opportunistically *start* the GC; whether the tracing happens
all at once or incrementally isn't critical.
>That's not to say that there aren't situations in which these techniques are
>very useful.
Right. Even in a multithreaded app, it's often quite clear to the programmer
where the phase boundaries are. (E.g., after a bunch of threads synchronize
because they've solved a bunch of divide-and-conquer subproblems, or before
spawning a bunch of threads to solve new subproblems. And sometimes, there's
just one thread that does all of the memory-intensive work, and the others
can be pretty much ignored.)