[gclist] Finalization...
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:57:50 GMT
I would basically agree with Mr. Fiterman: I don't like finalizers
either. However, I have come into cases where it seemed the best
way to go. The finalization process we included in the YAFL runtime
goes as follows:
- Mark all accessible objects
- Determine the set of unreferenced objects S1
- If there are no finalizable object among them, easy. Just
deallocate all pobjects in S1 and quit the GC
- Otherwise, run the finalizer on all the finalizable objects in
S1 *but don't deallocate yet !!!*
- Mark all accessible objects again
- Only deallocate objects in S1 that are still not reachable
after this second pass
This scheme has one strange property: finalizing an object
can cause the object to be referenced again, hence to finalized
in a further GC generation ! We call this "last change mark& sweep".
I admit this is a strange behaviour, but at least, finalizing
happens in a reasonably controlled environment. No dangling
pointe, no problem in case of cycles, etc...
I'd say it is a semantic compromise to provide technical soundness.
IMHO, of course....
In order to solve the order-issue, we do things in several passes