[gclist] Re: gclist-digest V3 #73
Patrick Draper
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 09:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
> Is there a way around this? I don't want to use Xlib's defines in
> the
> backend because I want to keep it frontend independent (Say someone
> wants to create a SVGALib frontend as opposed to an X frontend). Any
> suggestions?
I have this problem with Xlib as well as a library called Xgame. Both
of them have their own GC identifier. I've gotten around this by
structuring the program in such a way that all of the garbage
collection code (GC_malloc) calls are in objects that do not include
either the Xgame or Xlib header files. Works like a charm!
Patrick Draper | Don't |pdrap@yahoo.com
Austin, Texas | Fear |Father Order runs at a
http://pdrap.home.texas.net | The |good pace, but old Mother
Be Microsoft Free - Use Linux |Penguin |Chaos is winning the race.
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