[gclist] write-barrier implementation in Java VM?
Okehee Goh
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 01:25:07 -0500
I'd like to ask about incremental GC of Java VM.
I recently implemented incremental GC on KVM, SunMicrosystem's VM for
or resource limited system.
I just simplified works for doing this job because my goal is not generating
most efficient incremental GC of JVM. This is intermediate step for other
Even though it is, I'm worrying if what I did for incremental GC are correct
or not.
I put write-barrier on the interpret codes for PUTFIELD, PUTFILED_FAST,
PUTSTATIC, and PUTSTATIC_FAST when they are executed during the garbage
collection cycle.
If resolved field's type of object is reference, those object is pushed to a
stack for
later stage of mark according to marking status of source object and target
What I am worrying is if those are only bytecode operations whose
write-barrier are required. Are there any other part or bytecode operations
where write-barrier must
be applied ?
I appreciate any your comments.
Thank you very much.
Okehee Goh ogoh@cise.ufl.edu http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~ogoh
RealTime System Lab. (T) 1-352-392-6875
CISE Dept. University Of Florida