[gclist] write-barrier implementation in Java VM?

Andrew Chen chenandr@cse.msu.edu
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 08:07:25 -0500

>Okehee Goh wrote (Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 01:25:07AM -0500) :
>>   I put write-barrier on the interpret codes for PUTFIELD, PUTFILED_FAST,
>>  PUTSTATIC, and PUTSTATIC_FAST when they are executed during the garbage
>>  collection cycle.
>>  What I am worrying is if those are only bytecode operations whose
>>  write-barrier are required. Are there any other part or bytecode operations
>  > where write-barrier must be applied ?
>	You missed PUTARRAY, for writes to arrays of references.

I'm not familiar with that particular JVM, but native methods might 
be an issue too?

Andrew Chen