[gclist] 1st MM-NET Workshop on Analytical Techniques for Memory Management

Richard Jones R.E.Jones@ukc.ac.uk
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 08:52:54 +0000

                    1st MM-NET Workshop on
         Analytical Techniques for Memory Management
               University of Kent at Canterbury
                      15th May 2003 

            Call for papers and participation

There has been a recent increase in interest in applying analytical techniques 
to the prediction and modelling of memory management, which is broadly defined 
to include
. garbage collection of main-memory, peristent and distributed systems;
. explicit dynamic memory allocation/de-allocation
. measurement of object demographics 
. interactions with languages and operating systems

The UK's MM-NET (Memory Management Network) therefore proposes to hold a 1-day 
workshop on analytical techniques for memory management on Thurs 15th May 2003 
at the University of Kent at Canterbury (venue and time to be confirmed).  
Topics of interest include but are not limited to
	static prediction and bounding of memory usage; 
     	garbage collection supported by compile-time techniques; 
     	memory management models. 

The keynote address will be given by Prof. Greg Morrisett, Cornell University. 
Participation is welcomed from both academic and industrial sectors.

Registration is free for mm-net members and should be made through 


Coffees and lunch will be provided. Some support for travel costs for UK 
personnel may be available (please contact Richard Jones <R.E.Jones@ukc.ac.uk>).

Talk slots will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. If you would 
like to give a talk, please indicate this when registering for the workshop, 
and indicate whether you prefer a short (15 min) or normal (30 min) slot. 
Titles and abstracts should be finalised before the workshopd. We will collect 
presentations from the workshop online to form an informal proceedings at the 
time, and may approach speakers to form an edited formal proceedings at a later 

Important Dates:
 now            provisional registration and notification of talks
 8th May 2003   workshop programme confirmed
 15th May 2003  workshop
 27th May 2003  provide copies of presentations for online "proceedings"

The workshop organisers are:

 Kevin Hammond   University of St Andrews   kh@dcs.st-and.ac.uk
 Richard Jones   University of Kent         R.E.Jones@ukc.ac.uk
 Peter O'Hearn   Queen Mary College         ohearn@dcs.qmul.ac.uk

MM-NET is generously sponsored by the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences 
Research Council (EPSRC).