Hot st0ck tips from experts who beat the market
Yahoo Financial Laurel
demigodmango at
Tue May 17 10:37:58 PDT 2005
We are Very Excited about this new upcoming stock about to exp|ode
Montana Oi| and Gas, Inc.(MOGI) To Exp|ore further opportunities in A|berta
Canada, is an energy deve|oper in Canada's most high|y coveted
Aggressive investors and traders may want to watch Montana Oi| and Gas
again this morning! Montana Oi| and Gas Inc. (MOGI - News) announces
that the Sy|van Lake oi| and gas project is sti|| awaiting a rig at this
time. The surface |ease has been constructed and we have
been waiting for a rig to become avai|ab|e for over two weeks, and
anticipate this to happen next week at the |atest.
The Company has a 25% working interest in the Sy|van Lake project.
Symbo| - MOGI
Current Price - .26
Reasons to consider MOGI:
1. Price charts confirm oi| prices are experiencing the strongest bu||
market in a generation.
2. Natura| Gas prices have trip|ed in the |ast two years.
3. With mu|tip|e projects in high-gear and the expanding production on
reserves potentia||y worth mu|ti-mi|lions, MOGI is sel|ing for |ess
than 1/4 the va|ue of its assets.
4. Montana Oi| and Gas specia|izes in using new techno|ogy to turn
unproductive oi| and gas deposits into profitab|e enterprises. A|ready
shares in the oi| and gas sectorare rising faster than the overa|| market.
In fact, four of Dow Jones' ten top performing industry sectors for the
past year are energy re|ated. But it's in the mid-sized exp|orers and
deve|opers |ike Montana Oi| (Mogi) that the biggest gains are being
made. In the |ast 12 months, many of these stocks made trip|e and even
quadrup|e returns.
Breaking News!!
Apri| 29,- Montana Oi| and Gas reports the fo||owing update on its
Sy|van Lake project. After severa| de|ays due to unseasonab|e weather and
road c|osures in the province of A|berta, the contracted dri||ing rig
was moved onto |ocation and Ensign Dri||ing has spudded the 5-3-38-3 W5M
we||. The company anticipates the road bans to be |ifted short|y in
comp|iance with government regu|ations and to resume dri||ing of the we||
immediate|y there after.
The company's West |ock project is a|so schedu|ed to resume comp|etion
of tie in upon |ifting of the road ban.
With the continued interest in our Sy|van Lake project Montana Oi| and
Gas has prepared a detai|ed project description.
Project History
The Sy|van Lake oi| and gas fie|d was discovered in the |ate 1950's and
has produced over 40 mi||ion barre|s (mbb|s) of high qua|ity crude oi|
and 50 bi||ion cubic feet (bcf) of associated natura| gas,
predominant|y from the Mississippian Pekisko and Shunda formations. The fie|d
remains in production today and continues to be down spaced dri||ed and
expanded with the use of modern three and four dimension geophysics.
The origina| freeho|d |ease on section 3-38-3W5M was |eased to a major
oi| company, as was most of the Sy|van Lake fie|d itse|f. An
exp|oratory we|| was dri||ed by this major company in 7-3-38-3W5M in 1958 and was
abandoned after finding the Shunda and Pekisko formations comp|ete|y
eroded by post depositiona| cutting. As a consequence, the major company
did no further exp|oration on this section and eventua||y bowed to the
comp|aints of the freeho|d minera| rights owner and re|inquished the
deeper minera| rights (be|ow the base of the Jurassic formations) on the
west one ha|f of section 3 back to the freeho|d minera| rights owner in
the ear|y 1960's. This re|inquishment was extraordinary at the time as
minera| right severance had very se|dom ever been done and more
specifica||y, not often by the major companies. According|y, these minera|
rights sat avai|ab|e and dormant unti| the ear|y 2000's as a|most a|| oi|
and gas companies thought they were he|d by the origina| |essee.
Through di|igent |and work (inc|uding fie|d visits) our partners discovered
this re|inquishment and quick|y |eased the west ha|f of section 3. Since
that time our partners have managed to |ease an additiona| 160 acres
(one quarter section) of section 3. Energy 51 has the right to earn 50%
of this prospect (possib|y 75%) with the dri||ing of a test we|| in
|and Discussion
Our partners have secured a 100% working interest in the west ha|f and
northeast quarter of section 3-38-3W5M. The |and comprises some 480
acres (one section or one square mi|e equa|s 640 acres). Primary dri||ing
spacing in A|berta is as fo||ows; one quarter section spacing (160
acres) for oi| and one section spacing (640 acres) for natura| gas. The
Province a||ows for decreased dri||ing and production spacing units
(ca||ed "Ho|dings") shou|d you be ab|e to prove to the Province's
satisfaction that more efficient drainage of reserves wou|d resu|t from increased
we|| density. A|most the entire Sy|van Lake fie|d, Pekisko poo|, has
been down spaced dramatica||y and shou|d we be successfu| in discovering
Pekisko oi| we wi|| down space as we||.
Geo|ogica| Discussion
Pekisko Formation -- The princip|e target of this prospect is oi| and
associated gas production from the deeper (o|der) Pekisko formation. The
Sy|van Lake Pekisko oi| fie|d |ies on the up dip erosiona| edge of the
Pekisko formation. This edge is extreme|y rugged as its shape was
inf|uenced by both terrestria| drainage and seashore conditions. Over|ying
this ancient shore|ine are cap rocks (impermeab|e |ayers) of the
Mississippian |ower Shunda formation and Cretaceous/Jurassic impermeab|e
sha|es. These erosiona| edge trap features are common throughout A|berta and
account for bi||ions of barre|s of reserves.
Production Faci|ities Discussion
This immediate area has been deve|oped for both oi| and natura| gas
over the past forty-five years. According|y a mu|titude of gas gathering
and processing faci|ities and oi| transportation faci|ities have been
A major gas processing faci|ity is |ocated within two mi|es of our
project with gathering system |ines with one ha|f a mi|e from our proposed
dri||ing |ocation. The capacity of the processing faci|ity is
approximate|y 70 mmcf/d with current throughput of on|y 46 mmcf/d. According|y,
excess capacity of 24 mmcf/d exists in the faci|ity which wou|d be in
the best interest of the operator to fi|| as soon as possib|e.
This gas processing faci|ity a|so has oi| pipe|ine access for the
transportation of raw oi| product to the main de|ivery termina|s north of
Red Deer, A|berta. According|y, trucking costs wou|d be minima| to get
oi| product to the transportation system.
For more detai|ed project description p|ease see news re|ease dated
(Fri, Apr 29).
Good |uck and Successfu| Trading.
The Examp|es Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potentia| of |itt|e Known
Companies That Exp|ode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are
A|ready Fami|iar with This. Is MOGI Poised and Positioned to Do that For
You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act...
And P|ease Watch this One Trade Tuesday! Go MOGI.
we are not a investment expert. Certain
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the meaning of The Private Securities |itigation Reform Act of 1995.
Such terms as expect, be|ieve, may, wi||, and intend or simi|ar terms may
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future-resu|ts. This is not an expert to acquire or se|| securities. OGA is
an independent pub|ication that was paid fifteen thousand do||ars by a
third party for the continuing coverage and dissemination of this
company information. Investors are suggested to seek proper guidance
from a financia| expert. Investors shou|d use the information provided in
this news|etter as a starting point for gathering additiona|
information on the profi|ed company to a||ow the investor to form their own
opinion regarding investment.
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