[LispM] Help/Suggestions on reviving a Symbolics 3630...

Brad Parker brad at heeltoe.com
Mon Jan 16 04:25:04 PST 2006

I have a 3630 (small cabinet) which was working recently.

I would start by checking the power supplies.  I do a lot of fooling
around with old computers - mostly DEC pdp-11's.  Often the problem is a
bad supply.  After that I'd pull cards and add them in one by one and
only after that would I start shotgunning cards.

I can open up my 3630 today and figure out how to check the supply
voltages if you like.  Most likely there is a big +5 and +12 bus
somewhere. I just don't remember.

Also, I would not be suprised if you could get David Schmidt to swap
some cards for you - he's always been very, very helpful.  You'll have
to pay for the new card in the end, but i would not be suprised if he
could provide a loaner.


Brad Parker
Heeltoe Consulting

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