[LispM] free 3600 lisp machine, two 14" disks, spare boards

Brad Parker brad at heeltoe.com
Sun Apr 10 13:16:59 PDT 2011

I'm slightly downsizing my office space and need to get rid of my 3600.

It's free for the taking.  I am in Arlington Massachusetts (USA).

This is a Symbolics 3600 lisp machine.  The original 3600 design.
Huge circuit boards. 36 bit memory.  A gigantic fan.   Cool red LED nano-fep.  
One of the coolest microcoded machines I've ever seen.  And it runs
off 110VAC.

It's very heavy.  The CPU cabinet is about the size of a large refrigerator.
The two 14" disks are mounted in a DEC 1/2 height rack with no sides.

The SMD disks have 14" platters and clear plastic tops. 

It used to work fine but I have turned it on in a few years.  I have a full set
of spare boards.  I think I even have a color board and paddle.

I think it has Genera 7.2 on it, but I'm not sure.   It booted fine last
time I turned it on.

To me it is a thing of beauty, but I'm just not table to store it anymore
and I have a 3640 and XL1200 which are much easier to care for
(and much easier to move :-)

Anyone want a piece of history?  If so show up with a truck and at
least 2 hefty guys and it's yours.

Both cabinets are on wheels.  Batteries not included.


Brad Parker
Heeltoe Consulting

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