a virtual machine

Richard Coleman coleman@math.gatech.edu
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 22:28:22 -0400

> Not much lip service is being given to the idea of a virtual machine.
> Why not introduce a new target Lispy (virtual) instruction set to
> CMUCL (and/or whatever) and write a portable (perhaps JIT) emulator
> program for various targets?  Such a program could run with oskit
> (presumably with few system calls), on a conventional Unix
> implementation (with rigid system calls), or a microkernel (with
> extensible system calls) -- with dynamic code generation having
> near-native performance.

Does anyone have any references or links to documentation about
a virtual machine that might be suitable?

I can start collecting this information together and put up a web
page... that will make it easier for everyone to study the various

Richard Coleman