A successful lisp machine?

Kelly Murray kem@Franz.COM
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 15:58:18 -0700

> but they make crappy window systems! You want to edit lisp code in a
> form's text entry window? Not me! I do want a good HTTP server on the

Well, first off, recall that emacs is also a web browser,
and so you get a text-edit box under emacs,
which does paren matching at least.
It can also be extended to identify the contexts
as lisp code for even better support.

However, don't get stuck in emacs-think.
One must be more creative!

Having a screen full of mouse-sensitive items and being able to
execute a lisp function passing parameters for every mouse click
can be used to do quite very powerful interfaces.

Consider how the Xerox LM edited lisp code.

Also recall that in my vision that there are NO SOURCE FILES.
One doesn't edit a source file.
You edit classes, methods, functions, macros, interfaces, etc,
which are part of a code/application module.

Again, I suggest looking at http://www.mail.com to see how
dynamic generation of HTML can be used to do complicated user

This capability is exactly why we can win over JAVA/JVM!

-kelly edward murray