The LispOS Project: a position paper, part 2

Mike McDonald
Tue, 03 Jun 1997 11:29:58 -0700

>Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 08:12:20 +0200 (MET DST)
>From: "Peter.VanEynde" <>
>To: Dwight Hughes <>
>Subject: Re: The LispOS Project: a position paper, part 2

>I would just like people to help the free-clim project and add ports...
>I've been _running_ the first release, so it sort-of-works. It just needs 
>programmers. Even bad ones can help... just look at me :-).

  Free-CLIM has no first release yet, at least none that I've heard
about. (There's been no traffic on the mailing list for months.) If
you are refering to clinc, that's not CLIM, it's dynamic windows.
Similar but not the same thing.

  Mike McDonald