Chris Bitmead uid(x22068) Chris.Bitmead@Alcatel.com.au
Mon, 12 May 1997 13:02:13 +1000

>So my contention is that in the end most objects that are persistent
>will be treated specially and "named" explicitly. The effort of giving

ls ~/.netscape/cache
00        05        0A        0F        14        19        1E
01        06        0B        10        15        1A        1F
02        07        0C        11        16        1B        index.db
03        08        0D        12        17        1C
04        09        0E        13        18        1D

I'm afraid this makes little sense to me I'm afraid.

It is my contention that most persistent objects won't be treated
specially. Only the high level objects that actually mean something to
the casual browser will have a name in the traditional sense.