News group Proposal [Re: TOO MUCH VOLUME -- a proposal]

Luca Pisati
Mon, 12 May 1997 19:03:22 -0700

Dwight Hughes wrote:
> I certainly don't want to shift things to a news group -- my news
> server sucks -- half the time I can't get on, the rest of the time
> news messages will only stay available for two or three days at
> most. Besides, shifting the volume does no good, the volume still
> exists.

Well, the point is:

1. Can we split mail topics ?
2. Can we distinguish between transient mail (no archival needed)
   and permanent mail (archival required) ?

> Jordan Henderson makes the best suggestion I have seen in his
> message "An archive of proposals needed?".
> -- Dwight

Luca Pisati		       Voice:	 (310) 577-0518
Nichimen Graphics	       Fax:	 (310) 577-0577
12555 W. Jefferson #285        EMail:
Los Angeles, CA 90066          Web: