Duty Rosters
P. Srinivas
Wed, 21 May 1997 21:31:28 -0600
Name: Srinivas Palthepu
Email address: srini@cs.usask.ca
Country: Canada
Experience: Most of my experience for the last 9 years has
been Common LISP programming. I have developed a couple of
AIish applications in CL. I even taught a couple of
courses in CL. I also worked on a large project
based on C. I do not have much experience in modern
low-level LISP implementation, though I have
implemented a toy Common LISP and a toy Prolog myself
back in 80s. I even attempted a Pascal to LISP
translator for my Masters thesis.
Special areas of interest: Anything that involves Lisp
Areas prepared to work on: Anything
Level of commitment: At the moment I am busy with my thesis work.
But once I finish my thesis by this fall, I can
put in as many hours as possible during the
night time.
Srinivas Palthepu Email: srini@cs.usask.ca
ARIES laboratory, Phones: (306) 966-8654 (lab)
Department of Computer Science, (306) 966-4759 (office)
University of Saskatchewan, (306) 373-6724 (home)
57 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5A9 Fax: (306) 966-4884