Producing the instruction implementations -Reply
Marcus G. Daniels
12 May 1997 09:10:48 -0700
>>>>> "RW" == Ray Whitmer <> writes:
RW> I don't know if the gnu public license is an acceptable
RW> basis for the project, or if the goals
RW> are to make something more open that even commercial providers
RW> could directly incorporate into commercial offerings.
Commercial providers *can* incorporate GPLed code in to commercial
offerings. Cygnus Solutions is an example of a company doing this.
"Driven by our unique business model, the company's sales have grown at
a compound annual rate of over 65% since 1992. Our consistent
profitability and solid financial position have enabled the company to
rapidly expand operations to support the growing needs of our
customer base.
Cygnus is a privately held company with venture capital investment
from August Capital and Greylock Management. We currently have
approximately 100 employees, over 2/3 of which are engineers."