What are the goal of MOOSE

ANDREASA@dhhalden.no ANDREASA@dhhalden.no
15 Feb 93 17:58:06 +0100

> =>Yes, but how should we enforce a standard user interface for the apps, if
> =>we don't put some restrictions on what can be done. (See my part with
> =>WordPerfect) Without a standard ui, it will not get accepted.
>    Hmmm. Probably true. We should certainly at least set up a basic
> framework for manipulating objects in the GUI. However, I'm not sure
> application developers would appreciate us forcing them into a
> straightjacket when they want to write a program.

The user will probably appreciate us for forcing the developers into a
strightjacket :-)
The goal must be, as I see it, to provide the user with a homogenous
interface, whether in text or graphics, and to provide the programer with
a set of classes that will enforce a homogenous interface, and still
make it flexible to use/customizable and easy to program.

If the OS is going to be multitasking, we must be able to present information
from several tasks at a time. The need for threading will be minimized if
the user can't work with several programs at a time.
We all agree we must use multitasking and threading. It is still possible to
do this in a completly text-based os, but it will not be as effective as in
a graphics based os(, for the user).
The ideal thing were if everybody had 21'' monitors with accelerated
graphics card beeing able to handle resolutions greater than 1000 in every
direction, but that's ideal, isn't it.

> =>Got to do some work.
>    What's that? :-)
Look in a dictionary. That's the way I learned the meaning of the word. :-)

Somebody is missing me at his mailing list, could you please fix it?

sig.'s in for 1000 miles service
        --Andreas Arff          andreasa@sofus.dhhalden.no--