On Garbage Collection [djg32]

David Garfield david@davgar.arlington.va.us
Sat, 05 Jun 1993 21:07:41 EDT

Dan Odom Said:
> David Garfield Said:
> > Garbage Collection is an excuse to be sloppy.
> Hear, Hear!  We should be careful enough not to need GC.

Actually, I've been thinking, and the lost memory check for garbage
collection is a good thing.  It is one of the sanity checks you can
run to make sure yoou haven't done anything wrong.  We shouldn't
actually free any lost memory found, just tell the user the system is
on the "fubar" and should be repaired, or at least restarted.

> > Garbage collection for specific applications I have no objection to,
> > and this exists now, so it may continue.
> If we write a LISP, we'll definitely need it for THAT application... :-)


David Garfield/2250 Clarendon Blvd/Arlington, VA 22201   (703)522-9416
Email: david%davgar@uunet.uu.net or garfield@verdi.sra.com