
Michael David WINIKOFF
Thu, 18 Mar 93 22:31:24 EST

> > > I can't see doing away with the concept of a library - our system stuff itself
> > > may need 20 to 30 modules, the GUI may need 10 or 20, and so on.  Combining
> > > these into a library simplifies life on disk, so this is a concept important
> >
> > You're more or less assuming a comventional file-system that doesn't like
> > small files -- this is not a good thing to assume automatically.
> After all a disk is a disk. Even though your system equally "likes" large and
> small files, it doesn't automatically mean that it will be equally efficient.
> It is faster to load one large file (if it is contigous) with subfiles in it,
> than 50 small files (spread over the disk).

The point I was trying to make was that if we are going to support small objects
we're going to have to do it eficiently -- there's little point (IMHO) in 
saying we have an OO system that supports small objects where in practice
small objects are too inefficient to be used.

If we intend to use smal objects then the system should support them efficiently.