A very good thesis
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 03:21:00 -0500 (EST)
Optimizing Compilers for Structured Programming Languages:
year : 1995
title : Optimizing Compilers for Structured Programming Languages
author : Marc M. Brandis
school : ETH Zürich
address : Institute of Computer Systems
abstract :
Modern processor architectures rely on optimizing compilers to achieve high
performance. Such architectures expose details of their hardware to the
compiler, which has to deal with them in generating machine code. This
development has led to complex and slow compilers, which are difficult to
understand, implement, and maintain.
This thesis reports on methods to simultaneously reduce the complexity and
the compile-time of optimizing compilers by more than a decimal order of
magnitude. It presents a novel intermediate program representation, which
integrates data- and control-flow into a single data-structure. This provides
not just for simpler and faster optimization algorithms, but also for more
powerful optimization techniques. The thesis also describes single-pass
algorithms to construct this intermediate program representation from
structured source code, as well as single-pass techniques to transform programs
with restricted kinds of unstructured control-flow like in Oberon into
structured form. The integration of these techniques with the parser allows to
implement fast and compact front-ends for structured programming languages,
that avoid the many auxiliary data structures other optimizing compilers
A description of several optimization algorithms and how they can be
implemented on this intermediate program representation shows the feasibility
of the approach. Most of these techniques have been implemented in a
prototypical optimizing compiler translating a subset of the programming
language Oberon for the PowerPC architecture. Measurements on this compiler
prove that both the complexity and the compile-time of optimizing compilers can
be reduced by an order of magnitude when translating a structured programming
language and when using this novel intermediate representation and the
associated algorithms. The thesis concludes with some feedback to the
programming language designers, which language constructs cause undue
complications in optimizing compilers and should therefore be omitted.