Stratego: Specification of Program Transformation Systems

Massimo Dentico
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 03:06:06 +0100


Stratego: Specification of Program Transformation Systems

Stratego    is    a    language   for   the    specification    of
ProgramTransformationSystems.  It  is  based  on  the  concept  of
RewritingStrategies;  user-definable  programs  that  direct   the
application  of rewrite rules. Strategies are programmed  using  a
small  set  of operators (System S) that supports sequential  non-
deterministic  programming,  term  traversal  and   matching   and
building  terms.  These operators support concise  formulation  of
generic  term  traversals  and pattern  matching  transformations.
Stratego is a layer of syntactic abstractions on top of System S.

A  Stratego specification consists of number of modules containing
signatures  (for  definition of abstract  syntax),  transformation
rules and strategy definitions. A specification can be compiled to
an executable program using the Stratego compiler sc.


Massimo Dentico