enhancing the language review container

Francois-Rene Rideau Francois-Rene Rideau <fare@tunes.org>
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 15:18:52 +0100

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Attached is a reply to my previous request for a maintainer.
My response follows:

On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 03:32:37AM -0500, Pete Gonzalez wrote:
> At 02:19 PM 1/6/2002, Fare wrote:
> >Is there any taker to takeover the Languages Review?
> >I keep getting requests like this one...
> I would be willing to contribute to this project.  Specifically, I would
> be willing to reformat the text you've written into a more dynamic database,
> with standardized fields for each language.
That would be a very good idea. Many people have suggested that in the past,
and some tried (see the Tunes Wiki http://tunes.org/cgi-bin/TunesWiki ),
but none came up with anything that caught on yet.

> Additionally, I think the content could be improved by
> (1) providing sample code for each language,
> and (2) making a clear division between facts and opinions, and (3) adding
> a little (but not too much) visual style to the presentation.

Well, one advantage of using a database would be to be able to
show more or less detail, on demand, and (3) could be automatic.
In the current setup, (1) would only bloat the whole thing up.
(2) is good, but beware that the division between facts and opinions
is itself subjective.

> My contributions to the actual content would be minor [...]
That's ok. We just got a new maintainer for the contents:
        Jeff Cutsinger <seaslug@tunes.org>

> broaden the appeal to include people who are uninterested
> in the official Tunes "party line".  
One of the reason the "party line" dominates the documents is because
there is no good way currently to identify the author of opinion expressed,
so the only current way to avoid confusion as to potential incoherencies is
to have homogeneous editorial control. Identifying the author of opinions
would allow to loosen this control.

> in PHP/MySQL or Perl/MySQL.
That's ok. PHP, Perl and MySQL are installed on Bespin.

Thanks for your interest. 

Yours freely,

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
[  TUNES project for a Free Reflective Computing System  | http://tunes.org  ]
Disraeli was pretty close: actually, there are Lies, Damn lies, Statistics,
Benchmarks, and Delivery dates.

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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 03:32:37 -0500
To: Francois-Rene Rideau <fare@tunes.org>
From: Pete Gonzalez <pgonzalez@bluel.com>
Subject: Re: [alastair.nicol@blueyonder.co.uk: Missing Languages?]
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At 02:19 PM 1/6/2002, you wrote:
>Is there any taker to takeover the Languages Review?
>I keep getting requests like this one...

I would be willing to contribute to this project.  Specifically, I would
be willing to reformat the text you've written into a more dynamic database,
with standardized fields for each language.  Additionally, I think the
content could be improved by (1) providing sample code for each language,
and (2) making a clear division between facts and opinions, and (3) adding
a little (but not too much) visual style to the presentation.

My contributions to the actual content would be minor; my primary
objectives would be to make it easy for other people to contribute
reviews, and to broaden the appeal to include people who are uninterested
in the official Tunes "party line".  Although your projects are mostly
vaporware at this point, I have private motivations for wanting Tunes
to gain a wider exposure.

I could begin work on this in April, and it would not take long to get
the basic functionality online.  I would not write CGI software from
scratch, but instead would use some existing GPL software, probably
in PHP/MySQL or Perl/MySQL.

I recognize that this falls somewhat short of the ambitious goals proposed
in your "Enhance the Container" task list, but, on the other hand, what I
am proposing is feasible given the limited volunteer resources at this
time.  Stone soup starts with the stone, after all.  ;-)

Let me know...
