Slate on Corman Lisp

Chris Double chris at
Fri Nov 29 03:13:12 PST 2002

For anyone trying to get Slate working on Corman Lisp, I got things
going on CCL 2.0 with the following changes:

1) Added BOOLEAN type specifier to CCL:

(in-package :cl)

(declare-type-specifier boolean (x specifier)
	(declare (ignore specifier))

(in-package :cl-user)

2) Change #\Null to #\Nul

3) CCL bug workaround

CCL has a bug when (intern ...) is called with an array rather than a
string. This occurs in READ-SYMBOL in slate. I created a helper
function 'to-string' to convert the array to a string:

(defun to-string (array)
    (let ((string (make-string (length array))))
        (dotimes (n (length array) string)
            (setf (char string n) (elt array n)))))

Then changed the '(intern buffer)' in READ-SYMBOL to be (intern
(to-string buffer)).

With those changes Slate works.


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