Escape litteral and Emacs lisp mode

Brian T Rice water at
Sat Aug 16 15:10:26 PDT 2003

On Sat, 16 Aug 2003, Nicolas et Ryoko wrote:

> Hello,
> using #\^[  as a litteral for  escape makes Emacs' lisp  mode lose the
> balance between  opening and closing  parentheses because it  does not
> see  the  bracket   as  part  of  the  litteral.   As  a  consequence,
> beginning-of-defun or C-M-b become inaccurate.
> Writing   #\^\[  for   escape  fixes   this,  until   ecl  understands
> #\Escape... :-P

Can you explain what's going on here a little better? I really don't
understand at what level or in what context you're doing this, let alone
how to write #\^\[ in emacs in the offending way. :)

Actually, I'm even puzzled as to whether or how this relates to $\e, which
is the only thing ECL should expect to treat as an escape character.

Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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