Conditions and debugger support

Brian T Rice water at
Tue Dec 2 16:59:40 PST 2003

We're cranking out a lot of changes recently. Here's condition/
exception-handling support, all in Slate, improved a bit to work in the
Smalltalk-ish frame of mind from what good bits that Dylan and Common Lisp

See src/condition.slate and src/debugger.slate for the source (not
rocket science), and for some
documentation (it's a tad out of date, handlerCase: is now handlingCases:,
and there are a few more selectors worth knowing already).

The debugger right now is simply a way to get a backtrace shown, with
source file and line number information (the interpreter was already
collecting this info), and to select a restart.

Not everything is ready to ship, yet, though, but I'm making sure to fill
out the error-handling parts of the SUnit port (src/test.slate) before 0.2

There is also support for image-saving under CLISP, and this is
interacting a little oddly with the condition system, but the remaining
glitch or two should be fixed really soon.


Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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