Emacs mode for Slate

Nicolas et Ryoko nicolas.pelletier3 at wanadoo.fr
Tue May 27 13:20:35 PDT 2003


I committed the  following crimes to get slate-mode.el  to compile and
run on  GNU Emacs 21.3.  I  am wondering which flavor  of Emacs others
are using,  because I do not  seem to have  eql and set-keymap-parents
(plural form).


-------------- next part --------------
Index: slate-mode.el
RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/slate/slate/etc/slate-mode.el,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.23 slate-mode.el
--- slate-mode.el	25 May 2003 21:47:22 -0000	1.23
+++ slate-mode.el	27 May 2003 20:13:26 -0000
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'comint)
 (defvar slate-mode-abbrev-table nil
   "Abbrev table in use in slate-mode buffers.")
 (define-abbrev-table 'slate-mode-abbrev-table ())
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@
 (defconst slate-inf-mode-map (copy-keymap comint-mode-map)
   "The modemap used for interactive Slate sessions.")
-(set-keymap-parents slate-inf-mode-map (list slate-mode-map))
+(set-keymap-parent slate-inf-mode-map slate-mode-map)
 (defun slate-inf-mode ()
   "Major mode for interacting Slate subprocesses.
@@ -279,7 +281,7 @@
     (comint-send-region inferior-slate-buffer-name start (point))
     (if (and (>= (point) 2)
-             (eql (preceding-char) ?.))
+             (equal (preceding-char) ?.))
 	(comint-send-string inferior-slate-buffer-name "\n")
       (comint-send-string inferior-slate-buffer-name ".\n"))
     (display-buffer inferior-slate-buffer-name t)))
@@ -556,11 +558,11 @@
 		 ;; we're top level
 		 (setq indent-amount slate-indent-amount)))
-	      ((eql (nth 0 state) 0) ;at top-level
+	      ((equal (nth 0 state) 0) ;at top-level
 	       (setq indent-amount (slate-current-column)))
-	      ((eql (preceding-char) ?.) ;at end of statement
+	      ((equal (preceding-char) ?.) ;at end of statement
 	       (setq indent-amount (slate-current-column)))
 	      ((memq (preceding-char) '(?| ?\[))
@@ -569,7 +571,7 @@
 	       (setq indent-amount (+ (slate-current-column)
-	      ((eql (preceding-char) ?:)
+	      ((equal (preceding-char) ?:)
 	       (setq indent-amount (+ (slate-current-column)
@@ -615,7 +617,7 @@
 	       (/= start (point-min)))
       (goto-char start)
       (slate-backward-whitespace)	;may be at ! "foo" !
-      (when (eql (preceding-char) ?@)
+      (when (equal (preceding-char) ?@)
 ;	(backward-char 1)
@@ -636,13 +638,13 @@
 or non-white space, non-comment character"
   (while (looking-at (concat "[" slate-whitespace "\"]"))
     (skip-chars-forward slate-whitespace)
-    (when (eql (following-char) ?\")
+    (when (equal (following-char) ?\")
       (forward-sexp 1))))
 (defun slate-backward-whitespace ()
   "Like forward whitespace only going towards the start of the buffer"
   (while (progn (skip-chars-backward slate-whitespace)
-		(eql (preceding-char) ?\"))
+		(equal (preceding-char) ?\"))
     (backward-sexp 1)))
 (defun slate-forward-sexp (n)
@@ -699,11 +701,11 @@
 prematurely.  Also, goes to start of method if we started in the method
   (let (start ch)
-    (when (eql (preceding-char) ?.)	;if we start at eos
+    (when (equal (preceding-char) ?.)	;if we start at eos
       (backward-char 1))		;we find the begin of THAT stmt
     (while (and (null start) (not (bobp)))
-      (cond ((eql (setq ch (preceding-char)) ?.)
+      (cond ((equal (setq ch (preceding-char)) ?.)
 	     (let (saved-point)
 	       (setq saved-point (point))
@@ -711,14 +713,14 @@
 		   (setq start (point))
 		 (goto-char saved-point)
 		 (slate-backward-sexp 1))))
-	    ((eql ch ?^)		;HACK -- presuming that when we back
+	    ((equal ch ?^)		;HACK -- presuming that when we back
 					;up into a return that we're at the
 					;start of a statement
 	     (backward-char 1)
 	     (setq start (point)))
-	    ((eql ch ?\[)
+	    ((equal ch ?\[)
 	     (setq start (point)))
-	    ((eql ch ?|)
+	    ((equal ch ?|)
 	     (backward-char 1)
 	     (skip-chars-backward "^\[")
@@ -853,7 +855,7 @@
 	  ;; or maybe an immediate expression...
-	    (if (eql (following-char) ?:) ;keyword selector
+	    (if (equal (following-char) ?:) ;keyword selector
 		(progn			;parse full keyword selector
 		  (backward-sexp 1)	;setup for common code
@@ -872,10 +874,10 @@
           ;; this must be a binary selector, or a temporary
-          (when (eql (following-char) ?|)
+          (when (equal (following-char) ?|)
 	    (end-of-line)	;could be temporary
-	    (when (eql (preceding-char) ?|)
+	    (when (equal (preceding-char) ?|)
 	      (setq handled t))
           (unless handled
@@ -883,7 +885,7 @@
 	    (skip-chars-forward slate-name-chars))) ;skip over operand
-      (if (eql (following-char) ?|)	;scan for temporaries
+      (if (equal (following-char) ?|)	;scan for temporaries
 	    (forward-char)		;skip over |
@@ -891,7 +893,7 @@
 			(looking-at "[A-z]"))
 	      (skip-chars-forward slate-name-chars)
-	    (when (and (eql (following-char) ?|) ;if a matching | as a temp
+	    (when (and (equal (following-char) ?|) ;if a matching | as a temp
 		       (< (point) end))	;and we're after the temps
 	      (narrow-to-region (1+ (point)) end) ;we limit the buffer
@@ -906,7 +908,7 @@
       (if (not (looking-at "[A-z_]"))
 	  (setq done t)
 	(skip-chars-forward slate-name-chars)
-	(if (eql (following-char) ?:)
+	(if (equal (following-char) ?:)
 	      (slate-forward-sexp 1)
@@ -927,7 +929,7 @@
 	(cond ((bolp)
 	       (setq done t)
 	       (setq is-white t))
-	      ((eql (char-after (1- (point))) ?\")
+	      ((equal (char-after (1- (point))) ?\")
 	       (when (< (point) line-start-pos) ;comment is multi line
 		 (setq done t)))
@@ -948,7 +950,7 @@
   "Moves to the beginning of the containing comment, or
 the end of the previous one if not in a comment."
   (search-backward "\"")		;find its start
-  (while (eql (preceding-char) ?\\)	;skip over escaped ones
+  (while (equal (preceding-char) ?\\)	;skip over escaped ones
     (backward-char 1)
     (search-backward "\"")))
@@ -964,7 +966,7 @@
       (if (looking-at slate-name-regexp)
 	  (progn			;maybe unary, maybe keyword
 	    (skip-chars-forward slate-name-chars)
-	    (if (eql (following-char) ?:)	;keyword?
+	    (if (equal (following-char) ?:)	;keyword?
 		  (forward-char 1)
 		  (setq selector (buffer-substring start (point)))
@@ -974,7 +976,7 @@
 		    (setq ch (following-char))
 		    (cond ((memq ch '(?@ ?\] ?\) ?.)) ;stop at end of expr
 			   (setq done t))
-			  ((eql ch ?:) ;add the next keyword
+			  ((equal ch ?:) ;add the next keyword
 			   (forward-char 1)
 			   (setq selector
 				 (concat selector
@@ -999,7 +1001,7 @@
       (if (looking-at slate-name-regexp)
 	  (progn			;maybe unary, maybe keyword
 	    (skip-chars-forward slate-name-chars)
-	    (if (eql (following-char) ?:)	;keyword?
+	    (if (equal (following-char) ?:)	;keyword?
 		  (forward-char 1)
 		  (setq selector (buffer-substring start (point)))
@@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@
 		    (setq ch (following-char))
 		    (cond ((memq ch '(?@ ?\] ?\) ?.))
 			   (setq done t))
-			  ((eql ch ?:)
+			  ((equal ch ?:)
 			   (forward-char 1)
 			   (setq selector
 				 (concat selector

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