"sugar" methods

Brian T Rice water at tunes.org
Thu Sep 4 12:26:32 PDT 2003

I've added some neat proof-of-concept methods to src/sugar.slate ...
basically, they are if:then:else:, do:while: and do:until:. See:


These are not intended to be used in the standard libraries in any
foreseeable future, but are intended to show what's possible and to frame
some existing conventional language idioms in Slate's terms. I've actually
had these methods in mind for over a year, but decided to bother to add
them to the CVS store since I haven't committed much in the last few days.

Just so you know what I /have/ been doing, I'm basically implementing a
virtual machine for Slate with the guidelines of doc/bytecodes.txt and
doc/objects.txt. It's in C right now, but the idea is to move it into
Slate as soon as possible. Anyway there are a lot of issues, and the code
is really messy now, so I haven't been using CVS for it so far.

Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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