VC++ generated image seems stable and fast

Paul Dufresne dufrp at
Sun Aug 8 15:18:48 PDT 2004

I have been able with the:
#pragma optimize("g", off)

static INLINE signed long int ObjectPointer_asSmallInt(ObjectPointer oop)
  return ((signed long int) oop) >> 1;
#pragma optimize("g", on)
'patch' to compile a new VM with:
vcvars32.bat (VC++ Toolkit 2003 directory)
cl -Ox -DNDEBUG=1 vm.c file.c boot.c
in a directory with all files from platform directory + vm.c and vm.h from 
alpha directory,
to build a working VC generated VM.

I have generated a new VM from this VM, and generated new Bootstrap image 
from it too.

If VC unoptimized VM was VERY VERY MUCH slower than optimized GCC (from 
optimized VC VM seems faster than MINGW optimized one.


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