(unix) Plugins

Lyndon Tremblay humasect at shaw.ca
Sat Dec 18 14:33:15 PST 2004

Can someone explain the newly introduced plugin system to the list?
Comparisons with the spidery/veiny "extensions" are encouraged. I will need
access to, therefore create access for:

1) SDL
2) OpenGL
3) PortAudio
4) Java

Also, both in ExternalLibrary and these plugins, ".so" extension is referred
to. I think cygwin may translate it, as 101 does work in cygwin (as I), and
is a/the user/creator of smart-console.so so hopefully this is not even an

So far all of us are working on/with the "unix" platform. Does this
deprecate Win32-stuff, such as compilers? Either it will rot or be gutted.
It's nice to have drag and drop with Squeak, though. Oh wait, mingw/cygwin
work good for all cases.

PS. Okay, no Java =)


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