stream tests

John Leuner jewel at
Sat Feb 7 13:11:02 PST 2004

Some tests for the basic stream functions (there are many more to be

Fixes to stream.slate

John Leuner <jewel at>
-------------- next part --------------
requires: {}.
provides: {#Stream. #ReadStream. #WriteStream. #PositionableStream. #BlockStream. #DummyStream. #LineNumberedStream. #FilterStream. #CollectStream. #EchoStream}.

prototypes addPrototype: #Stream derivedFrom: {Cloneable}.
"The shared protocol of all Stream objects, also providing a common
instantiation protocol."

s@(Stream traits) newOn: _
"Create a new stream of the same kind targetted on the given object."

s@(Stream traits) on: _
"(Re-)target the stream to some object. This modifies it in-place.
Overriding this will also customize newOn: for most uses."

s@(Stream traits) flush
"Do nothing by default."

s@(Stream traits) atEnd
"Answer whether the end of the Stream has been reached."

s@(Stream traits) elementType
"Returns a prototype for an appropriate element type for the Stream. This is
the most generic type."

s@(Stream traits) arrayType
"Returns a prototype for an appropriate array type for the Stream. This is
the most generic type."

Stream addPrototype: #Condition derivedFrom: {Condition}.
"Streaming-specific errors."
Stream Condition addSlot: #stream.

c@(Stream Condition traits) newStream: s
[| newC |
  newC: c new.
  newC stream: s.

Stream addPrototype: #Exhaustion derivedFrom: {Stream Condition. Error}.
"Stream or resource exhaustion, ie #atEnd Conditions."

e@(Stream Exhaustion traits) describe
  DebugConsole ; 'The stream has reached its end, unhandled.'

s@(Stream traits) exhausted
  (s Exhaustion newStream: s) signal

s@(Stream traits) endCheck
  s atEnd ifTrue: [s exhausted]

prototypes addPrototype: #ReadStream derivedFrom: {Stream}.
"Streams that read from some source."

s@(ReadStream traits) newOn: source
  s clone on: source

s@(ReadStream traits) reader
"A ReadStream is already its own resource."

s@(ReadStream traits) next
"Obtain and answer the next element from the Stream."

s@(ReadStream traits) next: n putInto: seq startingAt: start
"Returns a partial copy if not all elements can be read into the other collection."
[| obj |
  0 below: n do: [| :index |
    (obj: s next) ifNil: [^ (seq copyFrom: 0 to: start + index)].
    seq at: start + index put: obj].

s@(ReadStream traits) nextPutInto: seq startingAt: start
  s next: seq capacity putInto: seq startingAt: start

s@(ReadStream traits) nextPutInto: seq
  s next: seq capacity putInto: seq startingAt: 0

s@(ReadStream traits) next: n putInto: seq@(Sequence traits)
"Places the next N elements into a Sequence at the starting indices."
  0 below: n do: [| :index | seq at: index put: s next].

s@(ReadStream traits) next: n putInto: seq@(ExtensibleSequence traits)
"Places the next N elements at the end of a given ExtensibleSequence."
  n timesRepeat: [seq addLast: s next].

s@(ReadStream traits) next: n
"Answer the next N elements."
  s next: n putInto: (s arrayType newSize: n)

s@(ReadStream traits) next: n put: obj
"Make the next N values the argument object."
  n timesRepeat: [s nextPut: obj].

s@(ReadStream traits) upTo: obj
"Answer all objects up to one equal to the argument."
[| newES elem |
  newES: ExtensibleSequence newEmpty.
  [s atEnd or: [(elem: s next) = obj]]
    whileFalse: [newES add: elem].

s@(ReadStream traits) upToEnd
"Supply all the elements up to the end of the stream."
[| newES |
  newES: ExtensibleSequence newEmpty.
  [s atEnd] whileFalse: [newES add: s next].

s@(ReadStream traits) do: block
"Call the block on all the elements in turn until the Stream is empty."
  [s atEnd] whileFalse: [block value: s next].

prototypes addPrototype: #WriteStream derivedFrom: {Stream}.
"Streams that write to some target."

s@(WriteStream traits) writer
"A WriteStream is already its own resource."

s@(WriteStream traits) nextPut: _
"Place the given element on the Stream."

s@(WriteStream traits) nextPutAll: c
"Place the Collection's contents into the stream."
  c do: [| :obj | s nextPut: obj].

s@(WriteStream traits) nextPutAll: seq from: start to: end
"Place a range of the Sequence's contents into the Stream."
  seq from: start to: end do: [| :each | s nextPut: each]

s@(WriteStream traits) next: n putAll: seq startingAt: start
  0 below: n do: [| :index |
    s nextPut: (seq at: start + index)].

s@(WriteStream traits) next: n putAll: seq
  s next: n putAll: seq startingAt: 0

s@(WriteStream traits) ; c
"Syntactic sugaring to make collection-insertion similar to concatenation."
  s nextPutAll: c

source@(Stream traits) >> sink
"Write the contents from source to target one element at a time."
  [source atEnd]
    whileFalse: [sink nextPut: source next]

sink@(Stream traits) << source
[source >> sink].

source@(Stream traits) copyTo: sink chunkSize: n
"Write the contents from source to target in big blocks."
"TODO: correct next:putInto: to return the actual number transferred, and set
the position to that."
[| buffer position total |
  buffer: (source elementType newSize: n).
  total: 0.
  [source atEnd]
    whileFalse: [position: n.
		 source next: n putInto: buffer.
		 total: total + position.
		 sink nextPut: position from: buffer].

source@(Stream traits) copyTo: sink
"Write the contents from source to target in big blocks."
"TODO: implement this as >>/<< for ExternalStreams."
[source copyTo: sink chunkSize: 4096].

prototypes addPrototype: #ReadWriteStream
	   derivedFrom: {ReadStream. WriteStream}.

s@(ReadWriteStream traits) iterator
"A ReadWriteStream is already its own resource."

prototypes addPrototype: #PeekableStream derivedFrom: {Stream}.
"A mixin supporting protocols which rely on peek alone, but not full

s@(PeekableStream traits) peek

s@(PeekableStream traits) nextWhile: testBlock
"Answer the next elements for which the test block is True. Note that this
relies on a Collection iterator Stream."
[| result |
  result: s collectionType newEmpty writer.
  [s atEnd ifTrue: [^ result contents].
      (testBlock value: s peek)]
    whileTrue: [result nextPut: s next].
  result contents

s@(PeekableStream traits) nextUntil: testBlock
"Answer the next elements for which the test block is not True."
  s nextWhile: [| :each | (testBlock value: each) not]

s@(PeekableStream traits) nextDelimitedBy: separatorBlock
"Answer the next elements between segments where the separator test is True."
  s skipWhile: separatorBlock.
  s nextUntil: separatorBlock

prototypes addPrototype: #PositionableStream derivedFrom: {PeekableStream}.
"PositionableStreams have an index and iterate over some sequenced collection,
but with a specific limit on the stream."
PositionableStream addSlot: #position valued: 0.
PositionableStream addSlot: #readLimit valued: 0.

s@(PositionableStream traits) newOn: c
"Override on: in derived objects in order to customize this."
  s clone on: c

s@(PositionableStream traits) newWith: c
  s clone with: c

s@(PositionableStream traits) newOn: c from: start to: end
  s clone on: c from: start to: end

s@(PositionableStream traits) on: _
"Reset the position."
[s reset].

s@(PositionableStream traits) contents
"Answer the contents of the target up to the readLimit."

s@(PositionableStream traits) collectionType
"Answer the default collection prototype to dump contents into."

s@(PositionableStream traits) last

s@(PositionableStream traits) next: n
  s next: n putInto: (s collectionType newSize: n)

s@(PositionableStream traits) nextMatchAll: c
"Whether the next N objects in the Stream are in the other collection
(which generally should be a Sequence, ie have linear order)."
[| pos |
  pos: s position.
  c do: [| :each |
    s next = each ifFalse: [s position: pos. ^ False]].

s@(PositionableStream traits) upTo: obj
"Answer all objects up to one equal to the argument."
[| newS elem |
  newS: (s collectionType newSize: 100) writer.
  [s atEnd or: [(elem: s next) = obj]]
    whileFalse: [newS nextPut: elem].
  newS contents

s@(PositionableStream traits) upToEnd
[| newS obj |
  newS: (s collectionType newSize: 100) writer.
  [(obj: s next) isNil]
    whileFalse: [newS nextPut: obj].
  newS contents

s@(PositionableStream traits) peek
"Returns the results of next without advancing the stream."
[| obj |
  s atEnd ifTrue: [^ Nil].
  obj: s next.
  s position: s position - 1.

s@(PositionableStream traits) peek: n
"Answer the next N results without advancing the stream."
[| result origPosition |
  origPosition: s position.
  result: (s next: n).
  s position: origPosition.

s@(PositionableStream traits) peekFor: obj
"Returns whether the object is next in the stream. Advances if true."
[| next |
  s atEnd ifTrue: [^ False].
  next: s next.
  obj = next
    ifFalse: [s position: s position - 1. False]

s@(PositionableStream traits) peekForwardBy: offset
"Answers the element the given number of positions after the current position."

s@(PositionableStream traits) peekBackBy: offset
"Answers the element the given number of positions before the current
[s peekForwardBy: offset negated].

s@(PositionableStream traits) upToAnyOf: c
"Answer all objects up to the first occurrence of something in the collection."
[| start endMatch newC |
  start: s position.
  (s match: c)
    ifTrue: [endMatch: s position.
      s position: start.
      newC: (s next: endMatch - start - c size).
      s position: endMatch.
    ifFalse: [s position: start.
      s upToEnd]

s@(PositionableStream traits) upToAll: pattern@(Collection traits)
"Answer all the elements up to the occurrence of the pattern in the Stream,
but not including anything from the pattern."
[| result patternSize start end checkStart window |
  patternSize: pattern size.
  start: (checkStart: s position).
  result: (s collectionType newSize: 200) writer.
  result position: 0.
  [s readLimit - s position < patternSize "Not enough room left to match."
     ifTrue: [s position: start. ^ s upToEnd]
       [window: (s next: patternSize).
	window = pattern
	  "The pattern has been found. Answer up to the pattern."
	  ifTrue: [end: s position - patternSize.
		   s position: start.
		   ^ (s next: end - start)]
	  "Increment the position past the last start."
	  ifFalse: [s position: (start: start + 1)]]] loop.
  result contents

s@(PositionableStream traits) upToEnd
"Answer all the elements up to the limit by a copy."

s@(PositionableStream traits) through: obj
"Answer the next elements up to and including the object given."
"This default implementation should be overridden for efficiency."
[(s upTo: obj) copyWith: obj].

s@(PositionableStream traits) throughAll: pattern
[| result |
  result: (s collectionType newSize: 40) writer.
  result ; (s upToAll: pattern).
  s atEnd
    ifFalse: [result ; (s next: pattern size)].
  result contents

s@(PositionableStream traits) atEnd
  s position >= s readLimit

s@(PositionableStream traits) reset
  s position: 0.

s@(PositionableStream traits) resetContents
  s position: 0.
  s readLimit: 0.

s@(PositionableStream traits) setToEnd
"Position the Stream after the last readable element."
  s position: s readLimit.

s@(PositionableStream traits) skip: n
  s position: s position + n.

s@(PositionableStream traits) skipTo: obj
  [s atEnd]
    whileFalse: [s next = obj ifTrue: [^ True]].

s@(PositionableStream traits) setFrom: start to: end
  s position: start.
  s readLimit: end + 1.

s@(PositionableStream traits) beginsWith: seq
"Answer whether the Stream's next elements match the Sequence."
  s size >= seq size and:
    [| starters oldPosition |
     oldPosition: s position.
     starters: (s next: seq size).
     s position: oldPosition.
     starters = seq]

s@(PositionableStream traits) retract: n
"Retract N elements."
  s skip: n negated.
  s size.
  s readLimit: (s readLimit - n).

s@(PositionableStream traits) retract
"Retract one element."
[s retract: 1].

prototypes addPrototype: #PositionableReadStream
  derivedFrom: {PositionableStream. ReadStream}.
prototypes addPrototype: #PositionableWriteStream
  derivedFrom: {PositionableStream. WriteStream}.
prototypes addPrototype: #PositionableReadWriteStream
  derivedFrom: {PositionableStream. ReadStream. WriteStream}.

prototypes addPrototype: #DummyStream derivedFrom: {ReadWriteStream}.
"DummyStreams always return Nil's and can't be repositioned or written to,
but pretend that they can, eating up input and providing no output."

s@(Stream traits) newFrom: _ at Nil [DummyStream].

_ at Nil iterator [DummyStream].
_ at Nil reader [DummyStream].
_ at Nil writer [DummyStream].

_@(DummyStream traits) next [].
_@(DummyStream traits) nextPut: _ [].
_@(DummyStream traits) nextPutAll: _ [].
_@(DummyStream traits) position [0].
_@(DummyStream traits) position: _ [].
_@(DummyStream traits) position: _ [].

Method traits addPrototype: #ReadStream derivedFrom: {ReadStream}.
"Method ReadStreams take their next element from the recalculation of a code
closure with no arguments. This is effectively a means to poll some condition
or to generate a sequence."
Method ReadStream addSlot: #block valued: [].
"The calculation for generating the Stream elements."

s@(Stream traits) newFrom: block@(Method traits)
[block ReadStream newOn: block].

m@(Method traits) iterator
"Mimics the Collection interface for making iterators that target them."
[m reader].

m@(Method traits) reader
"Mimics the Collection interface for making ReadStreams that target them."
[m ReadStream newOn: m].

s@(Method ReadStream traits) on: block
  s block: block

s@(Method ReadStream traits) next
  s block value

s@(Method ReadStream traits) atEnd

Method traits addPrototype: #WriteStream derivedFrom: {WriteStream}.
"Method WriteStream applies each fed element into the block as its sole
Method WriteStream addSlot: #block valued: [| :_ |].
"The operation to be performed on each element."

s@(Stream traits) newTo: block@(Method traits)
[block WriteStream newOn: block].

m@(Method traits) writer
"Mimics the Collection interface for making ReadStreams that target them."
[m WriteStream newOn: m].

s@(Method WriteStream traits) on: block
  s block: block

s@(Method WriteStream traits) nextPut: obj
  s block value: obj

s@(Method WriteStream traits) atEnd

prototypes addPrototype: #FilterStream derivedFrom: {ReadStream}.
"FilterStreams take source streams and apply a test block to each element,
only returning or acting on elements that satisfy the test."
"TODO: make a Write- or ReadWrite- variant?"
FilterStream addSlot: #source valued: Stream clone.
"The stream which gets filtered."
FilterStream addSlot: #block valued: [| :_ | True].
"The default filter, which filters nothing."
FilterStream addSlot: #nextValue.
FilterStream addSlot: #atEnd valued: False.

s@(Stream traits) select: block
[| newS |
  newS: (FilterStream newOn: s).
  newS block: block.

s@(FilterStream traits) on: source
  s nextValue: Nil.
  s atEnd: False.
  s source: source.

s@(FilterStream traits) next
[| result |
  result: s nextValue.
  s source do:
    [| :each | (s block value: each) ifTrue: [s nextValue: each. ^ result]].
  atEnd: True.

prototypes addPrototype: #CollectStream derivedFrom: {ReadStream}.
"CollectStreams take source streams and apply a block to each element,
returning the block's result for each."
CollectStream addSlot: #source valued: Stream clone.
"The stream which gets filtered."
CollectStream addSlot: #block valued: [| :x | x].
"The default action, which is an identity."

s@(Stream traits) collect: block
[| newS |
  newS: (CollectStream newOn: s).
  newS block: block.

s@(CollectStream traits) on: source
  s nextValue: Nil.
  s atEnd: False.
  s source: source.

s@(CollectStream traits) next
  s block value: s source next

s@(CollectStream traits) atEnd
  s source atEnd

prototypes addPrototype: #ConcatenatedReadStream
	   derivedFrom: {PositionableReadStream}.
"A Stream acting as the result of concatenating all the source streams'
sources into a single source to be read."
ConcatenatedReadStream addSlot: #sources valued: ExtensibleSequence newEmpty.
"The Streams which are concatenated."
ConcatenatedReadStream addSlot: #currentSource.
"The current Stream being read."
ConcatenatedReadStream addSlot: #position valued: 0.
"The overall position of the stream, taken by tabulating."

s1@(Stream traits) ; s2@(Stream traits)
  ConcatenatedReadStream newOn: {s1. s2}

cs@(ConcatenatedReadStream traits) ; s@(Stream traits)
  cs sources: (cs sources addLast: s)

s@(ConcatenatedReadStream traits) on: sources
  s sources: (sources as: s sources).
  s currentSource: s sources first.
  s position: 0.

s@(ConcatenatedReadStream traits) atEnd
  s currentSource = s sources last and: [s currentSource atEnd]

s@(ConcatenatedReadStream traits) next
  s currentSource atEnd ifTrue:
    [| nextSrcIdx |
     nextSrcIdx: (s indexOf: s currentSource) + 1.
     nextSrcIdx = s sources size ifTrue: [^ Nil].
     s currentSource: (s sources at: nextSrcIdx)].
  s currentSource next

Stream traits addPrototype: #EchoStream derivedFrom: {ReadWriteStream}.
"An EchoStream wraps some original stream and duplicates any interaction,
reading or writing, done on it to another stream. This relies on EchoStream
having defined all of the stream interaction methods that the client relies
"Inspired by Henry Lieberman's 1986 paper to the first OOPSLA, titled:
_Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object Oriented Systems_
and archived at:"
Stream EchoStream addDelegate: #original valued: Stream clone.
"The source of the echo."
Stream EchoStream addSlot: #dribble "valued: Console writer".
"The target for the echo'ing operation, called dribble after the Lieberman / 
Lisp terminology."

s@(Stream traits) echoTo: log
"Creates and returns a new EchoStream from the first to the log Stream."
[| echo |
  echo: (s EchoStream newOn: s).
  echo echoTo: log

s@(Stream traits) echo
"Creates and returns a new EchoStream to the console."
[s echoTo: Console writer].

e@(Stream EchoStream traits) newOn: s
  e clone on: s

e@(Stream EchoStream traits) on: s
  e original: s.

e@(Stream EchoStream traits) echoTo: s
"Chooses another Stream to dribble to, ensuring that echoTo: is not repeated."
  e dribble: s.

e@(Stream EchoStream traits) next
  e dribble nextPut: resend

e@(Stream EchoStream traits) next: n
  e dribble nextPutAll: resend

e@(Stream EchoStream traits) nextPut: obj
  e dribble nextPut: resend

e@(Stream EchoStream traits) nextPutAll: seq
  e dribble nextPutAll: seq

PositionableStream traits addPrototype: #EchoStream
			  derivedFrom: {Stream EchoStream}.

e@(PositionableStream EchoStream traits) position: n
  e dribble position: resend

x printOn: s@(Stream traits)
  s ; '<@' ; x name ; ': '.
  x slotNames do: [| :each | s ; (each as: String)]
	      separatedBy: [s ; ', '].
  s nextPut: $>.

_ at Nil printOn: s [s ; 'Nil'].
-------------- next part --------------
Tests addSlot: #Stream valued: TestCase derive.

t@(Tests Stream traits) testAtEnd
[ | astream |
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 t assert: (astream atEnd) not.
 astream next.
 t assert: (astream atEnd) not.
 astream next.
 t assert: (astream atEnd) not.
 astream next: 4.
 t assert: (astream atEnd) description: 'atEnd failed at end of stream'.

t@(Tests Stream traits) testNextPutIntoStartingAt
[ | astream seq partialCopy |

 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 seq: (ExtensibleSequence newSize: 20).
 t assert: (astream atEnd) not.
 astream next.
 astream next: 5 putInto: seq startingAt: 0.
 t assert: ((seq contents) = {2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil}).

 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 astream next: 6 putInto: seq startingAt: 7.
 t assert: ((seq contents) = {2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nil. Nil. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil}).

"test partial copy" 

 astream: {  5. 6. } iterator.
 partialCopy: (astream next: 6 putInto: seq startingAt: 5).
 t assert: ((seq contents) = {2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil}).
 t assert: ((partialCopy contents) = {2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5. 6}).

" test condition TBD
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 astream next: 6 putInto: seq startingAt: 18.

t@(Tests Stream traits) testNextPutIntoStartingAt2
[ | astream seq |

 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 seq: (ExtensibleSequence newSize: 20).
 t assert: (astream atEnd) not.
 astream nextPutInto: seq startingAt: 6.
 t assert: ((seq contents) = {Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil}).

t@(Tests Stream traits) testNextPutInto
[ | astream seq |

 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 seq: (ExtensibleSequence newSize: 20).
 astream nextPutInto: seq.
 t assert: ((seq contents) = {1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil}).

t@(Tests Stream traits) testNextPutIntoSequence
[ | astream seq |

 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 seq: { $a. $b. $c. $d }.
 astream next: 2 putInto: seq.
 t assert: ((seq contents) = {1. 2. $c. $d}).

t@(Tests Stream traits) testNextPutIntoExtensibleSequence
[ | astream seq |

 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 seq: (ExtensibleSequence newSize: 10).
 astream next: 2 putInto: seq.
 t assert: ((seq contents) = {1. 2. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil}).

t@(Tests Stream traits) testNextMatchAll
[ | astream seq |
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 seq: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. }. 
 t assert: (astream nextMatchAll: seq).
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 seq: { 1. 2. 99. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 }. 
 t assert: ((astream nextMatchAll: seq)) not.

t@(Tests Stream traits) testUpTo
[ | astream |
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 t assert: ((astream upTo: 5) = {1. 2. 3. 4. 5.}).

 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 t assert: ((astream upTo: 'notanelem') = {1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6}).

t@(Tests Stream traits) testUpToEnd
[ | astream |
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 t assert: ((astream upToEnd) = {1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.}).

t@(Tests Stream traits) testPeek
[ | astream |
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 t assert: (astream next) = 1.
 t assert: (astream peek) = 2.
 t assert: (astream next) = 2.
"TBD peek at EOS"


t@(Tests Stream traits) testPeek2
[ | astream |
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 t assert: (astream next) = 1.
 t assert: (astream peek: 2) = {2. 3.}.
 t assert: (astream next) = 2.

t@(Tests Stream traits) testPeekFor
[ | astream |
 astream: { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } iterator.
 t assert: (astream next) = 1.
 t assert: (astream peekFor: 2) = 2.
 t assert: (astream next) = 3.
 t assert: (astream PeekFor: 3) not.
 t assert: (astream next) = 4.

t@(Tests Stream traits) testSuite
[| suite result |
  suite: TestSuite newEmpty.
  suite tests
    addAll: {t newForSelector: #testAtEnd.
	     t newForSelector: #testNextPutIntoStartingAt.	
	     t newForSelector: #testNextPutIntoStartingAt2.	
	     t newForSelector: #testNextPutInto.	
	     t newForSelector: #testNextPutIntoSequence.	
	     t newForSelector: #testNextPutIntoExtensibleSequence.	
	     t newForSelector: #testNextMatchAll.	
	     t newForSelector: #testUpTo.
	     t newForSelector: #testUpToEnd.
	     t newForSelector: #testPeek.
	     t newForSelector: #testPeek2.
"	     t newForSelector: #testPeekFor."

  result: suite run

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