Can't load iterator.slate

Todd Fleming todd at
Thu Nov 4 20:51:11 PST 2004

Brian Rice wrote:

> Bonus points (I guess that means a free feature request granted) if 
> someone remembers what infect: does. ;-)

Woohoo! I remember because I saw infect explained while reading through 
the archive over the past couple days. I hope this doesn't count as 

container infect [] replaces each element with the result of applying 
that element to the block.

container infect [| :a | a + 1].  will increment each element, assuming 
of course that the contents are all magnitudes.

I am curious about something; why was this named infect? I suspect you 
named it that way so you can write the following: HardDisk infect [| :_ 
| Windows]. ;)


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