I'd like to continue work on SDL a bit

Brian T. Rice water at tunes.org
Wed Nov 10 14:44:49 PST 2004

Paul Dufresne <dufrp at hotmail.com> said:

> I'd like to continue work on SDL a bit.
> Mainly, I'd like to integrate it with the work made on FFI up to now.

Excellent. Both are interesting.

> I don't really have any website setup, but my ISP is supposed to
> offer me some space for a web page, that I could use to publish my
> work like Pupeno have done.
> Or maybe we should integrate within CVS. Even if the current code is
> being rewritten differently to integrate with FFI, I feel CVS is done to 
> share
> code that is being developped, not to store percectly working code.
> So my idea is, if that does not break the rest, add it to CVS. But I think
> very minor changes is needed to make it not break the rest, like my
> previous mail show about PieRGBA.

Yes, that's fine. Make what changes satisfy you, and I'll check something in 
based on that. Then we can just communicate with patches.

> I have put very little time on this recently, but wish to put more in next
> about 2 or 3 weeks.

It's not a problem; I just don't want effort to be lost.

> On the other hand, I am a bit worry because I feel Pupeno is better than me,
> but I have to do something to learn.

Don't be silly. Everything has value, and eventually the pressure will force 
us to make system extensions easier, and to document and finalize designs, 
like the API involved for the backend. We're just not sure how to proceed 
until someone throws code at us, often enough.

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