Oddballs and clonability

nicolas.pelletier3 at free.fr nicolas.pelletier3 at free.fr
Thu Oct 7 22:52:37 PDT 2004

Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> writes:

> It is not clear enough that is a warning of known issue, something that should 
> be fixed, a bug. At least, I didn't understand it.
> I'd say something like: "Note: Currently, because of a known problem in Slate 
> inheritance, the clone message is available for any Slate object, including 
> Oddballs, and always produce a new, bitwise identical copy of its receiver. 
> You should therefore be extra careful when the result of a clone is used 
> inside a test, since all of the following expressions return False."

Ok, this wording is now on-line, thanks.

Also, I noticed I inadvertently  swapped the traits and parent0 labels
in the drawing about deriving objects  :-( If z derives from x, then z
traits traits == x traits  traits == Traits traits. This mistake seems
to  have  caused  some  confusion  (according  to  the  IRC  logs).  I
apologize. A fixed version is on-line.

> Thank you... thank you for the tutorial, it is much improved :D

Well, it  is always  nice to get  thanks, but  the tutorial is  a very
little piece of work compared to  all the thoughts and efforts Lee and
Brian put (and continue to put) into Slate. They deserve to be thanked
much more than I do.


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