deployment plan for ffi

Paul Dufresne dufrp at
Tue Oct 12 05:38:34 PDT 2004

Ok, I guess the best way to go would be to implement ffi in 4 phases:

Phase 1:
Add primitives for dlopen, dlclose, dlsym
Add primitives for ffi_prep_cif and ffi_call
Make ffi_type structure in Slate.
At the end of this stage, it would be possible to code new
stuff for any external dll without rebuilding Slate.

Phase 2:
Write generic conversion functions dor dll_type to Slate types.

Phase 3:
Integrate the stuff in Slate, so as making it easy to define
new external dll functions, by using a macro.
Add stuff, to open a library, by sending it the list of structures
defined in Slate for the .h file of the library, leaving the system
make the conversions.

Phase 4:
Ask ourselves, how to implement callbacks, and other stuff.

But I won't begin today, since I will be busy all the day.


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