Or maybe 3 repositories: kernel, libs, all

Paul Dufresne dufresnep at fastmail.fm
Fri Apr 1 17:24:59 PST 2005

I was just thinking about my previous messages about eliminating alpha.

I was thinking that somehow, main is a kind of experimental repository.
My previous idea had the problem, that you would have to plan much more
the release. That is: think of new design stuff for next stable release,
add it to the repository, change the consequences of this in the
and then in the programs that use them, then make a new Alpha release
rebegin this cycle. And if we would be about to release Alpha, new
patches would have to wait.

But part of my problem for current situation, is that, I would prefer
to be expose to main changes, and continue my work like if there was no
important changes going on. But almost everybody use main, so I can
send SDL patches for alpha only, without them to go in main. I have the
feeling we have the philosophy that main should contain everything, and
alpha, almost everything.

Now, what just came to my mind, would be to have 3 repositories:

kernel would contains just files for generating a new Image and a new
libs would contains src/lib repositories, and other almost essential
all would contains everything.

kernel is very experimental.
libs is lightly experimental.
all is somehow stable.

Now, as a developper of SDL, I would probably just work on all, and send
patches against the all repository.

Once in a while, there would be an email saying: we are about to release
the libraries,
please test your code against it before we apply libs on all.
I would then test SDL code
against latest libs repository, and give feedback on how well SDL works
the latest libs.

A similar process would go on between kernel people, and libs
developpers, but I would
probably not care about it.

I really like to have feedback on this idea.


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