Unit values

Brian Rice water at tunes.org
Wed Apr 27 09:55:27 PDT 2005

I think the attention you two have given this library has reached a 
threshhold. If you read the source, you'll see that I just ported it 
from Smalltalk-80 and didn't care too much about it.

Right now, you two care more about it than I do. So put your fingers 
where your mouth is, and code up these changes yourself and use darcs 
send so I can apply them.

Patches speak louder than words! :)

On Apr 27, 2005, at 7:41 AM, David Hopwood wrote:

> Brian Rice wrote:
>> On Apr 26, 2005, at 11:50 AM, Adde wrote:
>>> I added the px method to Number traits to be able to say: 1 px 
>>> instead of 1 with: px, don't know if that's a good idea but it 
>>> certanly makes it easier to use. The other methods are just 
>>> placeholder for XML-specific formatting.
>> The "px" message idea has occurred to me before, and I think what 
>> I'll do is have the BaseUnit creation method name:abbrev: create the 
>> method for you so you don't have to do it. How does that sound? :)
> Suggestion: merge the UnitValue and Unit types, by having a unit behave
> as 1 of that unit, i.e. px = 1*px.
> Then only multiplication is needed to form a UnitValue, e.g. 42*px.
> Similarly examples like "(72*px) / in" would work automatically. This
> design also allows derived units and conversion factors to be expressed
> more simply.
Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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