[BUG] Wierd resend behavior

Todd Fleming todd at flemingcnc.com
Sun Dec 4 12:27:48 PST 2005

(This might give you a clue to what I've been working on...)

Slate 5> lobby ensureNamespace: #Graphics &delegate: True.
Slate 6> load: 'src/ui/region.slate'.
Slate 7> load: 'src/ui/graphics.slate'.
Slate 8> load: 'src/ui/transform.slate'.
Slate 9> load: 'src/ui/morph.slate'.
Slate 10> define: #A &parents: {Morph}.
Slate 11> define: #B &parents: {A}.
Slate 12> _@(A traits) doSomething
    inform: 'In A doSomething'.
Slate 13> _@(B traits) doSomething
    inform: 'In B doSomething'.
Slate 14> B doSomething.
In B doSomething
The method #selector: was not found for the following arguments:
{("MethodResentNotFound" handlers: {}. exitContinuation: []. 
returnContinuation: [].
        message: Nil. method: []). #doSomething}

This problem doesn't occur if A doesn't derive from Morph.


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