[DEMO] New screenshot & status update

Todd Fleming todd at flemingcnc.com
Fri Dec 9 08:25:44 PST 2005

I don't have the code with me right now so this description is a little 

I created a new SDL plugin.  It has (names are probably off) 
haveMessage(), which doesn't wait for a message, and getMessage(), which 
does wait for a message.  Both of these store the message along with a 
flag indicating whether there currently is a message stored.  They 
return true immediately if the flag is already true.  The plugin has a 
bunch of message accessor functions (getMessageType, getMessageMotionX, 
getMessageMotionY, etc.).  Finally, the plugin has a popMessage() 
function which clears the flag.

This accomplishes 2 goals:

1) I didn't want to access C structs from within Slate.

2) I didn't want the Slate code to be dependant on SDL.  I have a Win32 
plugin (far from ready) that has the same interface as the SDL one.  The 
Win32 plugin supports features that SDL is missing (double-click, enter, 
hover, leave, X1 and X2 buttons, etc.)


Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:

>Todd Fleming wrote:
>>Here it is: [... screenshot ...]
>That's awesome, Todd! How are you capturing input events from SDL? What
>kind of main loop do you have?

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