[ANN] malloc'd ByteArrays

Brian Rice water at tunes.org
Mon Dec 12 15:52:39 PST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

So I've now uploaded a minimally-working malloc()/free() VM module  
that minimally supports use as a ByteArray. There are new VM sources  
and images, and I've updated the alpha tree and the slate-current  
tarball with this new feature.

The basics can be read in src/mobius/vm/platform/malloc.c with vm/ext/ 
malloc.slate holding the primitives.

The user-land code is extremely primitive and is src/lib/ 
memoryarea.slate. MemoryArea is a "dual personality" type, acting as  
an ExternalResource, but also appearing as a ByteArray when it is  
open - print-outs will also change if it is open or closed, for now.

I added beyond the basic primitives, a  
replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: batch byte-mover, but there's some  
kind of bug in the readMemory/writeMemory routines where only the  
first byte is being copied. I'm sure the problem is simple, since the  
source is simple, but for now I've left the method commented out. If  
someone can look at this and spot my error, I'll gladly patch it up  
or accept a patch.

In any case, this is a first working revision and doesn't break  
anything. Enjoy. :)

PS: Any ideas on how to use it more generally than the origianl Cairo  
use-case? I'll take a look at ExternalLibrary and see what can be  
done there.

- --
- -Brian

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)


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