My employment, and the project organization

Ken Causey ken at
Thu Feb 10 09:17:00 PST 2005


First and foremost I want to sincerely thank you for your continuing
dedication to Slate and your willingness to spend your time on
project-wide issues.  It's very easy for all of us to get focused on our
own little corners and lose sight of the overall target.  Its hard to
think of everyone's needs and I thank you for your efforts.

Regarding a versioning system I have no strong opinions and will be
happy with whatever decision is made.

Regarding testing ExternalLibrary I have been for a few days now coding
up a game prototype and making liberal use of ExternalLibrary.  At this
point my use of it is pretty simple so I'm by no means stretching its
capabilities but perhaps in time I will have something useful to

Again, Thank You,

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