DLL access on Windows

Paul Dufresne dufrp at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 9 18:51:16 PST 2005

Shapiro wrote:{
I will be getting another hard drive in about three weeks, at which time 
I'll install Linux, and see whether I want to develop there.  I'm thinking 
about SuSE, RedHat, and Debian.  I need a recommendation.  Keep in mind that 
I like mouse-clicky things, because I already type far too much, and I don't 
want to be an administrator (foreseeably).  I spend most of my time on 
custom-language development and simulation (OpenGL).}

I use Ubuntu 4.10=released in 2004, 10th month.
This is based on Debian.
Well, I have seen the installer get in twilght zone for a Duron system.
But on my computer (PentiumII, 128Mb) it works fine.
Ubuntu is just one CD, the rest is downloaded from Internet.
But this CD let you have Gnome 2.8, Mozilla, OpenOffice, etc.
This is my recommendation.

Now , since this is off-topic, I should not even have answered your 
So if you have other questions about this, send them to me directly, not to 
this list.


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