First try:a skiplist implementation

"Márton Sasvári (IJ/ETH)" Marton.Sasvari at
Tue Jan 11 06:29:09 PST 2005


I was starting to study Slate recently. As an exercise I've implemented 
a skiplist as there wasn't one in the collection library. Naming 
(SkipListNode) came from the Squeak implementation but as I developped 
it test-first there should not be too much resemblance with it.
Unit test are at the end of the file.

I would appreciate any comments on style, language use, etc.
Tested on Slate-0.3.1 but if I followed the list thoroughly there was no 
laguage spec change in the basic features besides delegation what I did 
not use in that depth.


-------------- next part --------------
addPrototype: #SkipListNode derivedFrom: {Cloneable}.
SkipListNode addSlot: #pointers.
SkipListNode addSlot: #object.

sln@(SkipListNode traits) next
  sln pointers first

sln@(SkipListNode traits) forward: level
  sln pointers at: level

addPrototype: #SkipList derivedFrom: {Collection}.
SkipList traits addSlot: #random valued: RandomStream.
SkipList traits random seed: 5.
SkipList addSlot: #pointers valued: {}.
SkipList addSlot: #maxLevel.
SkipList addSlot: #numElements.

sl@(SkipList traits) clear
  0 below: sl maxLevel do: [| :i | sl pointers at: i put: Nil].
  sl numElements: 0.

sl@(SkipList traits) isEmpty
  sl pointers first isNil

sl@(SkipList traits) newEmpty
[| newSL |
  newSL: sl clone.
  newSL pointers: (Array newSize: 5).
  newSL maxLevel: 5.
  newSL numElements: 0.

sl@(SkipList traits) newSize: _
  sl newEmpty

sl@(SkipList traits) newEmptyWithLevel: level
[| newSL |
  newSL: sl clone.
  newSL pointers (Array newSize: level).
  newSL maxLevel: level.
  newSL numElements: 0.

sl@(SkipList traits) size
  sl numElements

sl@(SkipList traits) newPointerLength
"Determines the number of non-Nil elements in the node pointers."
  (((sl random next) / 16rFFFFFFFF) * (sl maxLevel)) truncated

sl@(SkipList traits) neighboursFor: anObject
"Helper method to create the pointers to the (new) node."
[| node nextptrs |
  nextptrs: (Array newSize: sl maxLevel).
  sl maxLevel - 1 downTo: 0 do:
    [| :level |
      node ifNil: [ node: (sl pointers at: level)].
      node isNotNil ifTrue: [
	node object < anObject 
	  ifTrue: [
      	    [(node forward: level) isNotNil /\
	      [(node forward: level) object < anObject]]
              	whileTrue: [
      	      	  node: (node forward: level)].
	    nextptrs at: level put: node]
	  ifFalse: [
      	    node: Nil.
	    nextptrs at: level put: Nil]]].

sl@(SkipList traits) add: anObject
  sl isEmpty 
      [| newNode |
	newNode: SkipListNode clone.
       	newNode object: anObject.
	newNode pointers: (Array newSize: sl maxLevel).
	0 below: sl maxLevel do: [| :i | 
      	  sl pointers at: i put: newNode.
	  newNode pointers at: i put: Nil]]
      [| nextptrs newNode |
	nextptrs: (sl neighboursFor: anObject).
	newNode: SkipListNode clone.
	newNode object: anObject.
	newNode pointers: (Array newSize: sl maxLevel).
	0 upTo: sl newPointerLength do:
	  [| :level |
	     (nextptrs at: level)
		 [newNode pointers at: level put: (sl pointers at: level).
		  sl pointers at: level put: newNode]
		 [| nodePtr |
		   nodePtr: (nextptrs at: level) pointers.
		   newNode pointers at: level put: (nodePtr at: level).
		   nodePtr at: level put: newNode]]].

  sl numElements: sl numElements + 1.

sl@(SkipList traits) includes: anObject
[| nextptrs newNode |
  sl isEmpty ifTrue: [^ False].

  nextptrs: (sl neighboursFor: anObject).
  (nextptrs first) 
    ifNil: [^ (sl pointers first object = anObject)]
    ifNotNil: [
      (nextptrs first pointers first)
	ifNil: [^ False]
	ifNotNilDo: [| :node | ^ (node object = anObject)]].

sl@(SkipList traits) add: anObject ifPresent: block
  (sl includes: anObject)
    ifTrue: [block do]
    ifFalse: [sl add: anObject]

sl@(SkipList traits) remove: anObject
  sl isEmpty ifFalse: [| nextptrs |
    nextptrs: (sl neighboursFor: anObject).
    nextptrs first
      ifNil: [| node |
	node: sl pointers first.
	node object = anObject ifTrue: [
      	  0 below: sl maxLevel do: [| :i | 
      	    sl pointers at: i put: (node pointers at: i)].
	  sl numElements: sl numElements - 1]]
      ifNotNilDo: [| :neighbour |
	neighbour pointers first 
	  ifNotNilDo: [| :candidate |
	    candidate object = anObject ifTrue: [
      	      0 below: sl maxLevel do: [| :i |
	      	(nextptrs at: i)
      	      	  ifNotNilDo: [| :node | 
		    node pointers at: i put: 
		    (candidate pointers at: i)]].
	      sl numElements: sl numElements - 1]]]]

sl@(SkipList traits) remove: anObject ifAbsent: block
  (sl includes: anObject)
    ifTrue: [sl remove: anObject]
    ifFalse: [block do]

sl@(SkipList traits) do: block
[| elem |
  "Console ; 'do started'."
  elem: sl pointers first.
  [elem isNotNil]
    whileTrue: [
      block applyWith: elem object.
      elem: elem pointers first]

sl@(SkipList traits) reverseDo: block
[| obj elements index |
  obj: sl pointers first.
  elements: (Array newSize: sl size).
  index: sl size - 1.
  [obj isNotNil] 
    whileTrue: [
      elements at: index put: obj object.
      index: index - 1.
      obj: obj pointers first].
  elements do: block.

UnitTests addPrototype: #SkipList derivedFrom: {TestCase}.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) isEmpty
[| sl |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  tc assert: sl isEmpty description: 'new SkipList states that it is empty'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) size
[| sl |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  tc assert: sl size = 0 description: 'empty SkipList has non-zero size'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) newPointerLength
[| sl sum |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  sum: 0.
  10 timesRepeat: [ sum: sum + sl newPointerLength ].
  tc assert: (sum between: 15 and: 25) description: 
    'pointerlength average is incorrect'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) forward
[| sln |
  sln: SkipListNode clone.
  sln pointers: (Array newSize: 5).
  0 upTo: 4 do: [| :i | sln pointers at: i put: i].
  0 upTo: 4 do: [| :i | 
    tc assert: (sln forward: i) = i description: 'forward answers wrong value'.].

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) add
[| sl |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  sl add: 2.
  tc assert: (sl size) = 1 description: 'added one item but size is not one'.
  sl add: 5.
  tc assert: (sl size) = 2 description: 'could not add item at last place'.
  sl add: 1.
  tc assert: (sl size) = 3 description: 'added as first does not increase size'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) includes
[| sl |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  sl add: 2.
  tc assert: (sl includes: 2) description: 'first added object is not included'.
  sl add: 5.
  tc assert: (sl includes: 5) description: 'second added object is not included'.
  sl add: 1.
  tc assert: (sl includes: 1) description: 'added as first not included'.
  sl add: 3.
  tc assert: (sl includes: 3) description: 'inserted not included'. 
  tc assert: (sl includes: 4) not description: 'includes unadded object'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) remove
[| sl |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  sl add: 4.
  sl remove: 4.
  tc assert: sl isEmpty description: 'not empty after add-remove'.
  0 upTo: 10 do: [| :i | sl add: i].
  tc assert: (sl size) = 11 description: 'pre-test check'.
  sl remove: 3.
  tc assert: (sl size) = 10 description: 'remove does not decrease size'.
  tc assert: (sl includes: 3) not description: 'found after removal'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) do
[| sl sum counter |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  0 upTo: 9 do: [| :i | sl add: i].
  sum: 0.
  sl do: [| :obj | obj < 5 ifTrue: [sum: sum + obj]].
  tc assert: sum = 10 description: 'do on first elements failed'.
  sum: 0.
  sl do: [| :obj | obj > 4 ifTrue: [sum: sum + obj]].
  tc assert: sum = 35 description: 'do on last elements failed'.
  sum: 0.
  counter: 0.
  sl do: [| :obj |
    obj < 5 /\ [counter < 5] 
      ifTrue: [sum: sum + obj. counter: counter + 1]].
  tc assert: sum = 10 description: 'summed incorrect elements'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) reverseDoAndSequence
"Test reverseDo and sequence of elements."
[| sl sum counter |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  0 upTo: 9 do: [| :i | sl add: i].
  sum: 0.
  counter: 0.
  sl reverseDo: [| :obj |
    counter < 5 ifTrue: [
      counter: counter + 1.
      obj < 8 ifTrue: [sum: sum + obj]]].
  tc assert: sum = 18 description: 'reverse do on selected from first half failed'.
  sum: 0.
  counter: 0.
  sl reverseDo: [| :obj |
    counter < 8 ifTrue: [
      counter: counter + 1.
      obj < 5 ifTrue: [sum: sum + obj]]].
  tc assert: sum = 9 description: 'reverse do on selection failed'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) addIfPresent
[| sl counter |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  0 upTo: 9 do: [| :i | sl add: i].
  counter: 0.
  0 upTo: 9 do: [| :i | sl add: i ifPresent: [counter: counter + 1]].
  tc assert: counter = 10 description: 'added object when present'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) removeIfAbsent
[| sl counter |
  sl: SkipList newEmpty.
  counter: 0.
  0 upTo: 9 do: [| :i | 
    sl remove: i ifAbsent: [
      counter: counter + 1.
      sl add: i]].
  0 upTo: 9 do: [| :i | sl remove: i ifAbsent: [counter: counter - 1]].
  tc assert: counter = 10 description: 'removing absent object?'.

tc@(UnitTests SkipList traits) suite
[| suite |
  suite: TestSuite newEmpty.
  suite tests addAll:
      tc newForSelector: #size.
      tc newForSelector: #newPointerLength.
      tc newForSelector: #isEmpty.
      tc newForSelector: #forward.
      tc newForSelector: #add.
      tc newForSelector: #includes.
      tc newForSelector: #remove.
      tc newForSelector: #do.
      tc newForSelector: #reverseDoAndSequence.
      tc newForSelector: #addIfPresent.
      tc newForSelector: #removeIfAbsent.

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