or: \/ etc

Brian Rice water at tunes.org
Thu Mar 17 16:50:09 PST 2005

Okay, the problem was traced to a mis-typed setup statement in 
src/mobius/vm/bootstrap.slate (pretty obvious when you look at the 
patch). Lee has put this into the main repository. I'll bootstrap now 
and post new images and synchronize alpha shortly.

On Mar 17, 2005, at 4:25 PM, Brian Rice wrote:

> Well, that's another issue (BUG); I'll start investigating.
> Note that "Nil is: Boolean" returns True somehow. So there's an 
> inheritance problem. "Path from: Nil to: Boolean traits" gives me 
> ("Path" traitsWindow traits). So I need to look deeper to see how to 
> disentangle these objects. I'll reply when I have a result.
> Thanks!
> On Mar 17, 2005, at 3:31 PM, Tim Olson wrote:
>> On Mar 17, 2005, at 9:33 AM, Brian Rice wrote:
>>> What's happening is that, inside blocks, the bytecode compiler is 
>>> optimizing this into low-level control-flow codes that don't (and 
>>> right now, can't) check the type of the arguments. (see 
>>> generate:on:from: methods for #/\, #\/, #and:, #or: in 
>>> src/mobius/vm/interp/compiler.slate).
>> Interesting.  But that optimization only appears to happen when the 
>> second argument is  a block.  However, when I evaluate:
>> 	Nil \/ Nil
>> I get "True", rather than a "method not found" error.
>> The method being applied seems to be:
>> _@(Boolean traits) \/ _@(Boolean traits) [True].
>> as determined from this:
>> [ | m1 m2 m3 |
>> m1: (#\/ findOn: {True. True}).
>> m2: (#\/ findOn: {Boolean. Boolean}).
>> m3: (#\/ findOn: {Nil. Nil}).
>> {m1 == m2. m1 == m3. m2 == m3}] do.
>> => {True. True. True}
>> This also appears to happen for small integers, as well as Nil.  So 
>> how do Nil and the small integers match the (Boolean traits) trait?
>> 	-- tim
> --
> Brian T. Rice
> LOGOS Research and Development
> http://tunes.org/~water/
Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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