Slate tutorial comments

Brian Rice water at
Fri Nov 11 12:38:49 PST 2005


This comment kind of baffles me. Can you point me to an existing  
tutorial for another language that has these characteristics and  
point out the individual bits you'd like to see? Otherwise I'm trying  
unsuccessfully to visualize something you're describing a bit too  
vaguely - I don't know how anyone would write a tutorial like this.

Thanks for the comments, in any case. I'm glad you took time to say  
something about it. Hopefully I'll be able to improve it with  
> This tutorial is hard to read, which makes it (whatever it is) not  
> suitable for "tutorial". You should start from clean, uncommented  
> source sample for something simple like ax^2+bx+c=0 solution. Then,  
> you should explain the code line by line, ending it with links like  
> read more about involved things [here]. 07:59, 11  
> Nov 2005 (PST)
> P.S.: would someone please notify me at makc.the.great at  
>, if you will do something as I have suggested  
> above.

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