Sketchy Plan

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at
Tue Oct 25 10:01:05 PDT 2005

OK, so if I were to proceed with trying to invert the control in the 
current Slate system (making the REPL inferior to an event loop), I'd 
probably start by working along these lines:

  1. refine the bindings to socket(), connect(), bind(), listen(),
     select() and friends. Or possibly bind to liboop or SDL_Net

  2. experiment with continuations in Slate. (What's their status, BTW?)

  3. test the socket code in isolation, using the REPL to start another
     event loop, possibly with a nested REPL inside it.

  4. all-at-once, remove the outer REPL and replace it with an event
     driver loop.

(5. later, integrate the event loop with SDL's UI events.)

Any comments?


PS: I appear to be perenially confused about whether "main" or "alpha" 
is the best branch to work on things like this from. Which should I use?

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