GUI Roadmap/TODO list

Todd Fleming todd at
Wed Apr 19 08:03:58 PDT 2006

Brian collected a bunch of ideas at .  Unfortunately it's hard to 
see how the ideas in that document fit together.  I just winged it.  I 
wrote a bunch of code, released it, got comments (mainly from Brian), 
refactored it, released it, got comments, refactored, ... .  Think of it 
as a series of prototypes that will eventually converge on both a spec 
and an implementation.


Timmy Douglas wrote:

>Is there an existing roadmap or a somewhat extensive todo list for the
>things that need to be done to make slate useable (for programming
>slate) through the gui?
>I'm not too familiar with all the existing code and what state
>everything is currently at. It'd be nice if there was a list of things
>I could refer to rather than making a guess at what to add when I get
>the time starting this summer.

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