Fwd: patch for textbox beginnings

Todd Fleming todd at flemingcnc.com
Tue Jun 6 08:41:56 PDT 2006

Ooops. I sent this from the wrong address so it probably didn't get through.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Todd Fleming <tbflemin at vt.edu>
Date: Jun 6, 2006 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: patch for textbox beginnings
To: Slate project discussion <slate at tunes.org>

On 6/6/06, Timmy Douglas <timmy+slate at cc.gatech.edu> wrote:

> Another thing is that the person who defined the PassPointerToChildren
> event made it check that: se inputHandler == se ifFalse: [pass it].
> So it gives the impression that I need to make another object and
> specialize the handle: functions on that instead of specializing on
> itself. It sounds sort of like a pain to me and I'm not really sure of
> the reasoning behind requiring it. Any idea?

This prevents an infinite message-passing loop.  se inputHandler sometimes
points back to se; in this case another mixin is responsible for handling
the pointer events.  se inputHandler works like Win32's capture, except se's
capture is top-down instead of bottom-up.

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