passing non-block to #do: freezes slate

Timmy Douglas timmy+slate at
Mon May 15 19:03:49 PDT 2006

Brian Rice <water at> writes:

> On May 15, 2006, at 4:49 PM, Brian T. Rice wrote:
> Okay, now that I've tested it, I see that it's a parser error, NOT a  
> VM error:
> Slate 1> #(1 2 3) do: {1. 2. 3}.
> The method #applyTo: was not found for the following arguments:
> {{...}. {...}}
> So basically the problem is that a block header in an unexpected
> lexical context (specifically, a literal array, since I can't
> reproduce it in a couple of other situations) is not handled right
> and should be fixed. I'll see if I can fix this, but no guarantees.

ok thanks for looking into it. The thing that's sort of stopping me
from going further now is the #addDynamicSlot: thingy with the random
-2.0002 values appearing out of no where.

If there were two things that could be done to the manual to give me a
better understanding of the language, it'd be making Section 2.1.3
Inheritance describe how delegation slots work in a little more
detail, and also a little more about the internals of traits and
traits windows (sec. 3.4). I guess these are two features that are
pretty exclusive to slate.

I could help out with these things but I'm not sure where to start

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